St. John Lutheran Church

Welcome to the St. John Lutheran Church Website. We would love to get to know you. Here’s some stuff about us:

We believe in Jesus. Jesus loves all people, including you, and us, and people we don’t like. Jesus is risen from the dead, active and powerful in our lives and the world, to bring God’s hope into reality.

We have a healthy relationship with tradition. That is, we follow Scripture, which always leads to surprising, hopeful, challenging and loving places. We welcome people of all genders, orientations, ethnic backgrounds and cultures. 

One might call worship service “traditional,” in that it echoes themes and meanings that are thousands of years old. But it’s not boring. There is light and song and meaning and power.

We are friendly, but we won’t drown you with greetings. We will give you space. 

We are not perfect. We don’t have all the answers. We do care about you and about where God might be leading us together. 

Social media!

Check out our most recent service on our Youtube Channel!

Find us on Instagram!